Searching in OneView

Search is accessed through the Search tool search in the OneView toolbar. Address, buffer, owner, parcel, platted lands, PLSS, and street search options are available. Many searches have typeahead functionality, meaning that as you type, matches for your search criteria will start to appear. As the list refines as you type, you can select from the list of candidates at any time.


The OneView Search window.


There are multiple ways to clear results from the map and Results Panel.

  1. Individual records from a layer. To remove a record from a result layer, click on the “x” to the left of the result item to remove it from the current result set.

  2. An entire layer from the result set. To remove an entire layer from the current results set, click the “Clear layer from results” No icon (circle with slash through it) in the upper right of the layer results.

  3. All results from all layers. Some searches or Identify actions will result in many results being returned on multiple layers. To clear all results from all layers, click on the “Clear results” No icon at the very right of the Results Panel header.



Clearing results permanently removes them from your search results. To get those same results back, you will have to perform the search/identify again.

Spatial Search Tools

In addition to the search options discussed above, there are also spatial search tools that allow the user to select an area on the map to search within. These tools function similarly to the drawing tools. Point, line, polygon, and rectangle searches can be done. Once the user selects a tool, the tooltip on map hover explains how to use it.

For example, to perform a spatial search on tax parcels and select a large area of parcels, click on the Rectangle Spatial Search Tool and select “Tax Parcels” from the Features dropdown.


Performing a spatial search.

Next, drag a area on the map you would like to get parcel information on by pressing down to start, dragging the rectangle, and releasing the mouse click to finish.


Dragging a rectangle on the map for a spatial search by rectangle.

Once you draw your search rectangle, all parcels that touch that area will be selected, the map will zoom to the extent of those parcels, and their attribute results will be presented in the Results Panel.


Spatial search by rectangle results.